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Home Spoonfan Discussion Forum The New Version of ATFS (Yet to be named... What should the new version of ATFS be c...
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 Subject :What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:37:15 
Joined: 05-02-2009 20:17:15
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Location: Brisbane
Hi all, sam here, just like to share my wisdom with you all: how about we keep it with the same name? (Obviously I don't actually have any authority on the subject, but I'd just like to share my view) It will make marketing easier, because if you change the name, listeners to the old ATFS podcasts might not see the connection, so, if it's relatively the same format - why not keep the same name? And anyway, it was a pretty good name to start off with! Also: YAY 1ST POST!
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:37:42 
Joined: 13-12-2008 01:16:36
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I'm about 99% sure that Odie/Garfield said it won't be called ATFS - I get the feeling they might not be allowed to, but can't confirm that.
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:49:12 
Joined: 05-02-2009 20:17:15
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Yeah, I spose they could get in some trouble with mmm for keeping the same name? Can't think of what else you would call it though, but then again, i'm not all that creative, so I'd say others will have better suggestions than me!

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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:54:21 
Joined: 17-04-2009 15:48:10
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As much as I like ATFS.. Since it now has a new meaning since spoony is off the air. I'd suggest something like SGOS.



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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:57:16 
Joined: 05-02-2009 20:17:15
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I like it! I think, if possible the acronym idea should continue, it's catchy, people remember it
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 09:58:08 
Joined: 07-04-2009 22:16:56
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I dont think that people wont be able to make the connection, as long as it is very well promoted and advertised as much as possible...
Possible names...hummm no idea... "Spoony And The Gang? just off the top of my head. I guess with a name like that everyone will be able to link ATFS and the new ones together.
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 10:32:06 
Joined: 14-12-2008 21:11:49
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Location: Sydney

Spoonman's Forking Show

The Spoonman Show

What the Fork

The Forking Spooncast

The Forking Show

Go Fork A Spoon ?

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i wasnt sexually acrive before aids.
 Subject :Re: Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 11:24:58 
Joined: 17-04-2009 15:48:10
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Location: NSW

Spoonman's Forking Show

The Spoonman Show

What the Fork

The Forking Spooncast

The Forking Show

Go Fork A Spoon ?

I liked the last one...

What about Go fork yourself?

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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 15:23:26 
Joined: 16-03-2009 13:31:40
Posts: 5

So it is definitely going ahead right?

If so yay!


Can't wait, who cares what it is called at least we have Spoonman back! 

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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 16:10:35 
Joined: 13-12-2008 01:16:36
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Location: Brisbane
It's about 90% coming back - still stuff for the guys to figure out!
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 17:08:42 
Joined: 17-04-2009 22:49:11
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The return of ATFS is awesome news, but I'm thinking about a few things: Will Spoonie and co will be able to keep their Triple M monikers? Also, when "ATFS Revival" does get off the ground (which it will) and becomes incredibly popular (which it will), how the fork is this website going to take the traffic, seeing as it's the original (and currently) the best fan site?

By the way, Garfield and Odie could actually try and plug this on Triple M so that Spoonie's old listeners know that there is a phoenix from the ashes? 



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 Subject :Re: Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 17-04-2009 17:43:45 
Joined: 13-12-2008 01:16:36
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Location: Brisbane

Well to answer that question - it probably won't host the new podcast - Garfield is currently getting some people to make another website with more storage space and bandwidth to hold the new podcasts and also host some other stuff that will help fund the podcast (think buying ATFS related Merchendise).

But this site will stay the number 1 place for all the stuff like Spoony news, old podcasts, and the fan community base - with things such as this new forum etc. I VERY much doubt that Triple M will let them plug the show on air - as far as MMM is concerned - the Spoonman doesn't exist. I don't know about keeping their MMM monikers.

The return of ATFS is awesome news, but I'm thinking about a few things: Will Spoonie and co will be able to keep their Triple M monikers? Also, when "ATFS Revival" does get off the ground (which it will) and becomes incredibly popular (which it will), how the fork is this website going to take the traffic, seeing as it's the original (and currently) the best fan site?

By the way, Garfield and Odie could actually try and plug this on Triple M so that Spoonie's old listeners know that there is a phoenix from the ashes? 



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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 18-04-2009 07:27:55 
Joined: 17-04-2009 22:49:11
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Location: Over here

ATFS merchendise? Anyway, I reckon it should be called the forking spooncast, btw. 

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 Subject :What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 18-04-2009 12:54:56 
Joined: 05-02-2009 20:17:15
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Location: Brisbane

The return of ATFS is awesome news, but I'm thinking about a few things: Will Spoonie and co will be able to keep their Triple M monikers? Also, when "ATFS Revival" does get off the ground (which it will) and becomes incredibly popular (which it will), how the fork is this website going to take the traffic, seeing as it's the original (and currently) the best fan site?

By the way, Garfield and Odie could actually try and plug this on Triple M so that Spoonie's old listeners know that there is a phoenix from the ashes? 

Odie seems to be very good at encrypted messages, as we've all seen from his post on the wiki informing us about the ATFS's return, i'm sure he could drop something cryptic in one of his announcing shifts on the weekend!?! Anyway, just to throw my hat in the ring again - really like KG's suggestion of "The Forking Spooncast", but I'd like to put my own spin on it, so how about: "The Forking Spooncast With Garfield And Odie"?

 Also. If the ATFS get's merchandise......I'm buying at least one of everything and wearing it all to work.

Gotta love Michael's confidence by the way. Go get 'em mate.

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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 18-04-2009 16:29:00 
Joined: 05-01-2009 06:36:02
Posts: 2

The Forking Spooncast With Garfield And Odie - is simply toooo long



short and sweet it shud be...

may i suggest The Forkast or The Forkcast  - a take off "the forecast"

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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 19-04-2009 07:17:10 
Joined: 14-12-2008 21:11:49
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Location: Sydney
The Forking Spooncast is good i think because if it became a radio show [possibly on sattelite] then they could call it "The Forking Spoonshow"
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i wasnt sexually acrive before aids.
 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 21-04-2009 17:51:24 
Joined: 21-04-2009 23:43:22
Posts: 2

Teh Excitement!!! -...

I Like

Go F*** Yourself!!


It can have multiple meanings

fist, fork, fuck etc etc


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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 28-04-2009 15:58:40 
Joined: 03-01-2009 18:15:13
Posts: 1
It's great news that the ATFS is coming back!!!!  Since the podcast would no longer be after the show, it should be called Not After The Forking Show.
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 29-04-2009 15:55:40 
Joined: 05-01-2009 21:49:03
Posts: 3
How bout LATFS- Long After The Forking Show
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 Subject :Re: What should the new version of ATFS be called?.. 05-05-2009 19:53:20 
Joined: 14-12-2008 21:11:49
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Location: Sydney
what about "Spooning The Pets"
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i wasnt sexually acrive before aids.
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