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Home Internet Censorship
Internet Censorship

This topic gets it's own section. It was the last serious topic Spoony discussed before the free-for-alls and then his axeing and it's also directly related to this fan site - in terms of it hosting the ATFS podcasts which could be offensive enough to hit the Government blacklist.

The topic of Net Censorship has been swept under the rug so far during this Federal Election, but thankfully The Spoonman has continued to push this issue most days on his editorials. He has also been posting links to some articles on Twitter, so I decided it would be a good idea to collect links to any articles that you guys had stumbled across. So if you have a link you wish to submit, then please login with your Spoonman Fan Club account, click on Submit an Article, give the article a descriptive title and then put the link & a little description about it as the article content. Finally set the Section to "The Show" and Category to "Internet Censorship" so that it appears in the right section of the site (or if you don't have an account just email it to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and I'll add it for you). The articles won't appear immediately, I do have to enable them to show up on the site (but that's mainly to stop spam) and I endeavour to have all articles up 24 hours after you submit them.

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Let's make this one of the best resources of articles against Internet Censorship!

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# Article Title Date Author Hits
1 My Essay On Net Filtering Monday, 02 August 2010 Administrator Andrew (Bris) 1479
2 Classification and Internet Censorship as an Election Issue Monday, 02 August 2010 Administrator Andrew (Bris) 1606
3 Internet Filter Update Wednesday, 18 March 2009 Administrator Andrew (Bris) 1410
4 Internet Censorship Show Transcripts Thursday, 22 January 2009 Administrator Andrew (Bris) 1408

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