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 Subject :Podcast Problem.. 06-08-2009 10:12:49 
Joined: 06-08-2009 16:00:48
Posts: 2

Cant download the Spoonman podcasts at all.
Is it just me or with everyone?

And when are the rest going to be put up?


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 Subject :Re: Podcast Problem.. 08-08-2009 06:09:29 
Joined: 30-04-2009 18:31:01
Posts: 12

I just listened to the epic 2-hour podcast and even a year on since the Spoonman left, I still feel depressed. Although it made me wish I'd tuned in when Sweet Pea was around...

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 Subject :Re: Podcast Problem.. 09-08-2009 18:57:59 
Joined: 13-12-2008 01:16:36
Posts: 27
Location: Brisbane

I don't know what the problem with podcasts downloads are - they are all downloaded from Windows Live Skydrive - which is working fine for me and a lot of other people.

I've uploaded another week of Spoony Podcasts - sorry they're trickling up slowly - Schoolwork to do!

And Yes - The Final Show Makes Me Sad Too :(

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 Subject :Re:Podcast Problem.. 26-01-2010 12:54:43 
Joined: 05-01-2009 21:49:03
Posts: 3

Could you please get the 2008 podcasts up?

and that's why I haven't listened to it since the show ended. :(

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Last Edited On: 26-01-2010 12:55:13 By Dudelikewtf for the Reason
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