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The Spoonman Show On MMM (2005-2008)

New World Order

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Posted by spoonman Thursday 28 August, 2008 04:34 PM

I'm getting a heap of unsolicited emails from listeners about the so- called New World Order. So what's it all about?

Many recommend I watch a video from the net called "Zeitgeist: The Movie". I have seen it, twice. Cute, but hardly compelling.

Others claim the proposed new currency, the Amero, (Canada, USA and Mexico) is an indication of the approaching NWO.

I can't help but notice the same noises were made prior to the European Union introducing the Euro.

Still others refer me to the various 911 conspiracy sites as further evidence of the NWO, for reasons best known to themselves. Most people cite the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act in the United States, post 911, as proof for their claims.

Depending on who you believe, if anyone, the New World Order is being brought about by the mysterious "Illuminati", the Freemasons, fundamentalist Christians, Rhodes scholars or aliens. Yep, aliens.

But the general thrust of the idea is that a group of elite persons (or aliens) is attempting to bring planet Earth under a single controlling government, where the basic rights of ordinary citizens are removed and we are all monitored constantly via microchips embedded in out bodies. Cash is abolished, with all transactions carried out via your on-board chip.

For what it's worth, the idea of a New World Order was first postulated by science fiction guru HG Wells.

He thought it might be a good way to stop nations warring with each other. A worthy idea, it seems to me.

The League of Nations and subsequent United Nations were both set up with a view to preventing conflict between nation states, and have largely failed.

So tell me, why is a single world government such a bad idea?

Why would a single global currency be such a bad idea?

And given the way we love new technology, isn't it a logical progression that one day we will have full web access via personal implants?

And speaking of the web, it also occurs to me that this particular NWO conspiracy theory was developed decades before the Internet and it completely, and somewhat conveniently, ignores the power that ordinary people now have to be seen and heard.

Over to you......

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