Posted by spoonman Thursday 17 January, 2008 05:07 PM
If it isn't pulling books off shelves it's Tom Cruise going mental.
What is wrong with the Scientologists?
First it was making sure that the local publishing arm for Andrew Morton's unauthorised biography of Tom Cruise did not publish an Australian edition - under threat of lawsuits.
The American publisher is facing such lawsuits in that country. Scientology claims the book is inaccurate and defamatory. Andrew Morton stands by his work.
Dymocks has even bowed to pressure from Australian Scientologists not to sell that American edition - though some independents will.
Now they're at it again, forcing Google to pull a leaked video of the increasingly nutty movie megastar blabbering on about the great saviour that is Scientology, over a copyright infringement.
Youtube no longer carries the video, but we were able to find it here for you to see.
So has Tom Cruise finally flipped his lid?
And what do you think about the Church of Scientology using their vast cash reserves to fund legal actions to stop every single bit of bad press the cult cops?
Over to you...