Friends, it may be more likely than you think, Sir Spoon Man, may in fact be coming back to late nights on Triple M! Tonight on the Ugly Phil Show, Ugly and Garfield mentioned that Spoony is doing a broadcast 4am this morning... Test Show?
Also, last week, Byron Cooke, A 2MMM Announcer mentioned something about the OZ Lotto Systems Entry promotion on Triple M said that "Triple M Personality Spoonman" was in the building. That was an afternoon.
So my friends, its looking good for Spoony and if this goes ahead, and Paul and Rach go to drive (which im tipping), it would mean that The Bryan Madigan/Odie would probably panel drive, and Garfield would both be available to continue ATFS. (Garfield is currently doing nights with Phil.) We will just have to wait and see what happens!
Take Care Peeps, shall keep you all posted.