Garfield is a panel operator, producer and resident Stuntman for Sydney's 104.9 (The All New Triple M). He's a stuntman between 5:30-9am for the Ugly Phil & Sami Lukis breakfast show, produces the National "The Life with Roy & HG" show and also the Peter Berner Experiment the remaining days of the week.
^^^^^ Garfield Interviewing Ben Stiller ^^^^^
According to the final episode of the Spoonman show for 2008, Garfield said he didn't know it was going to be a talkback show until they got in and started for the first night. Garfield lists his interests on Myspace as follows "Going for a good old fashioned piss up (i miss Turbofests). Sports (usually cricket, rugby league, union, football [soccer if you must]) and obviously radio since it's my career"
On the ATFS podcast he also revealed many thing about the way he thought including that "Men may be dumb, but women are just insane", any animal should be up for eating (especially Whales and Mamorths) and that all our political problems in Australia could be solved if Garfield took a Millitary Coo on Parliament House.
^^^^^ Garfield as a Stunt Santa for Ugly Phil & Sami Lukis ^^^^^
So that's a basic background on Garfield.
You can contact him by either
On The Streets: When he's out doing stunts on the streets in the mornings - listen to Ugly Phil & Sami for the time and location!
E-mail/Windows Live Messenger: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it